Charity Adverts


Find 2 charity adverts:

1. Purpose 

The main purpose for charity adverts are to raise awareness, raise money or to just to change the behaviour of the audience. This is clearly done in order to influence the audience and get them to take action and help those in need. Sometimes this is done through the use of 'scary' or 'worrying' images in order to show the horrors people go through in their everyday lives. Sometimes the use of unedited, unfiltered, direct messages allows the charity to tug on the audience's heartstrings.

2. Appeal

The use of empathy and guilt allows the charity to take advantage of people's emotions in order to get people to help their cause. Usually the charity has a specific purpose and needs to presuade the masses to donate their money to their cause. This is usually quite effective depending on the financial sitaution of the person and their sympathy toward their common man. These can range fron UNICEF charitable causes (as in natural disasters or situations in 3rd world countries) to charities specialising in mental awareness.
